
What happens to the electricity in our bodies when we die?

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yeah. i've been thinking about afterlife lately.




  1. Hello Frank - well, there is electricity produced in the body, and there is Qi, or Prana, or Life-force in the body. They are 2 different things. I am assuming you are really asking about the latter? I happen to be a clairvoyant & energy healer (Medical Qigong Master, Reiki Master), as well as a licensed clinical Pharmacist so I'll cover both types:

    1. electricity is produced in the body by the flow of electrons through and across 'sodium channels' on nerve cell membranes. When the body dies, the sodium channels disappear because the nerve cell can no longer make the energy (ATP & Mitochondria) to make them work. With the disappearance of the sodium channels, electrons can not flow and so no electricity in the body.

    2. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, (been around for thousands of years), which does deal with life-force in its medical theory and practice, there are 2 types of Qi, and then a special kind of Qi which is called 'Shen'. Shen does not have an english translation but it is close to soul, spirit, or consciousness.

    Of the 2 types of Qi: One is called 'Prenatal Essence' and this life-force comes with the baby packet when the baby is born. The amount of Prenatal Essence determines the maximum life-span of that person. Once Prenatal Essence is all gone, the person dies. The other type of Qi is called 'Post Natal Essence'. The Postnatal Essence refers to life-force obtained from food. With this one, it is the other way around: once someone dies, no more food metabolism = no more Postnatal Essence.  It is interesting to note that the ancient, prehistoric  Man in Central Asia understood the concept behind modern artificial life support (like modern management of brain dead patients waiting to be organ harvested). That is, after the *person* dies, the body can remain *alive* by 'food', like oxygen, water & nutrition.

    Neither of these 2 Qi's explains what happens to the Christian equivalent of the human Soul or the Buddhist or Hindu 'consciousness' after death. Shen, on the other hand, as mentioned above, is a much higher energy vibration and very, very subtle. Not too many Qi Masters can even detect Shen. It is the same as the Christian 'Soul' or the Hindu/Buddhist 'supreme consciousness', and we all know that the life of the Soul is eternal, either as merged into God, the Oversoul, or separate as itself.

    It's a good question. I wish my own students would come up with thoughtful questions likethese, lol.

    All the best,

    Rev. Dr. Nostrum

    (Sw. Nostrumananda)

  2. Since metabolic processing would cease, so would electrical activity.

    The electromagnetic wave lengths would quickly equalize at zero.

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