
What happens to the eyes after death?

by  |  earlier

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How come they become cloudy-looking, like there's a haze of fog over them?




  1. Because there's no life in them so they start to "die"... eventually they rot away.


  2. Well, the main issue is that there will be dessication and decomposition like any other tissue.

  3. They rot just like the rest of the body, only quicker.

  4. well,when there underground..termites and bugs eat the eyes...but after they die there eyes look like that because they havent blinked in a long time...ppl blink to clean there eyes so,dead ppls eyes are nasty

  5. The pupils widen, I don't know why though.  

  6. Uah, no blood flow!

  7. Stand in front of your mirror and blow hard

    any powder.

    Your face will be white even if you are white

    and your eyes will get a thin croust ( membran).

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