
What happens to the ghost when a house is destroyed?

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I know I grew up in a haunted house. It was burnt down by two young boys who were living there. Where did the ghost go? Do they walk around on the lot that the house was on? Do they walk in another dimension and the house is still there to them?




  1. That is a tough one. There have been ghosts or spirits that had inhabited a field hospital from war that migrated to a nearby housing project.

    The same has happened when houses have been built over American Indian burial grounds.

    The powerful ones would still be there the others would dissipate.

    Question for you why do you think there is an asylum in New York that covers 450 acres and isn't used for anything? In fact they have 24 hour security to keep people away. The same for many prisons.

    Look at the hundreds of asylums and prisons around the United States and ask yourself why? Why haven't these been torn down, why if they have been closed for years and years haven't people bought the land and put houses or factories next door?

    Thanks for the question.

  2. From what I understand, it can remain without the house. Unless it decides to move on. I have read that they will remain and if a new house is built it will inhabit it.  

  3. The ghost will wander around the house and wonder how and why it is so different.

  4. I've seen some pictures of the Borley Rectory, and after it had burned down and was a pile of bricks and rubble, in a doorway you can see a brick floating in mid air.

    Photographers have tried to debunk the photo as being fraudulent, but it had never been proven as such.

    I've read up on stories where fires or earthquakes have destroyed home and the residents have died, but in those empty lots there were reports of encountering residual ghost activity.

    At this point, it's only an guesstimate of the after life. Or if there is one.

  5. What happens to people when a house is destroyed? Not a whole lot. Might be the same for some kinds of ghosts.

    I've seen a house razed to the ground, rebuilt, and the same haunting reported not long after a new family moved in. It's hard to say why this occurs, since nobody really knows what causes it to happen in the first place.

  6. it probably moved on.

  7. There are no such things as ghosts! They're purely psychological. This section really needs to be moved out of Science if you don't want the remarks from skeptics  

  8. it either finds a nearby place to haunt or it still haunts the ruins of the house.

  9. "I know I grew up in a haunted house."

    And the evidence that you have for this is.....?

  10. yeah they stay on the grounds

  11. I think it depends, as it's really up to the indivual. It could go either way, they either choose to move on or they choose to stay with the land. But no, if the house isn't there physically, it isn't there in any other demension either. Dimensions are just like layers on an onion.

    ingore the rude remarks. believers are ALWAYS going to get them around these parts, there are people who gets their kicks out of insulting you. pay them no mind, they're not worth your anger. :)

    peace to you

  12. It is likely the spirit will still haunt the land.

    They will have less energy so they may not appear in visitation.

    In the future, another house will probably be built there, the new owners are likely to have paranormal experiences because of the spirit that lived there many years before.

  13. Well usually when people die they're spirits linger in a place that has some sort of significance to them or they stay by a loved one. If the spirits lived there in life it is very possible they could be roaming the grounds.

    There is also something called a residual haunting. So lets say your neighbor was shot and killed [just saying, hopefully this never happens] in his/her home. The person's spirits would be there reenacting the murder. This could possibly be the case in your old home, even though the grounds are burned. haunting

    Some psychics say that they feel like a spirit is grounded it sort of means that they are stuck there and can't leave or can't get to the light on their own so sometimes they need a sensitive to help them cross over.

    Last but not least some spirits do not know that they're dead so they stay here on earth as earth bounds because they are unaware that they're dead.

  14. Maybe it went to a new place to haunt some more people.

  15. Ghosts, or spirits, aren't restricted to one area.  They can go anywhere in the world.  But they do have emotional attachmentnt so they make themselves stuck in one area.

    Ghosts are beings of the spirit realm, astral realm.  In this realm, even if the house is burnt down, the house will still be there due to thought.

    Until many years from that when people think about the house being gone will the spirit realize it's home is gone.  It's attachment is destroyed, and now it has a chance to move on.

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