
What happens to the growth of stems grown in the dark when they are placed in the light?

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Describe the growth of stems in the dark. What happens to this growth when the dark-grown plants are place in light?




  1. They become long,thin and white/yellow due to a lack of chlorophyll (light is needed for its synthesis). This process is called etiolation.

    Etiolation occurs when plants are grown in either partial or complete absence of light, and is characterized by long, weak stems; smaller, sparser leaves due to longer internodes; and a pale yellow color (chlorosis). This is a mechanism to increase the likeliness that a plant will reach a light source, often from under leaf litter or underneath shade from competing plants. The growing tips are strongly attracted to light and will elongate towards it.

    Normal growth ensues when in light and chlorophyll can be synthesised.

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