
What happens to the leftover buffet food if people don't finish it?

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Do they throw it away?




  1. I believe they are supposed to.

  2. I have seen television specials where they show that it is donated to pig farms.  They may also have some sort of contractual agreement and the farms may pay per pound.  It may have been an episode of "Dirty Jobs".

  3. no. when i was at ponderosa they give it to the last people there;; then throw it away. hahah and we were the lasts people


  4. I think so but if they don't would you think they mix it in .... yuck i hope they do.

  5. Dept of Health regulations require that it be discarded.  That's the big reason why the food is prepared in smaller quantities and replenished often - less waste.

  6. they are suppose to throw it away

  7. If they can reuse it they will...

    Such as corn, greenbeans,  salad

  8. It depends on the item. For example, leftover baked potatoes can be used the next day for hash browns. Leftover uncarved meat is refrigerated and reheated for the following day. Salads, fruits and some vegetables can be held for the following day!

    Many desert items (cake pie cookies) are reused.

    Other items are either thrown away or the employees eat them!

  9. I believe so

  10. There suppose to discard it. I know for sure some places use it in oter dishes for the next day. Yuck

  11. some places donate it to the homeless and food banks

  12. I've always believed they shove it up their buttholes.

  13. The workers and chefs eat it.

  14. I saw an episode of "Dirty Jobs" where the host Mike Rowe shows you what they do with the leftovers in Las Vegas restaurants at the beginning of the show they they play their "Dirty Jobs" song.

    They did sonething like take them all in a dumpster and then relase the level and it all went into another big dumster or something, I didn't watch the show long enough to get that segment.

    Here's an intro of "Dirty Jobs", even though it's not the same one, enjoy,

  15. they probley to if not they put it in a freezer

  16. Nope I think they probably reheat it the next day

  17. They're suppose to throw it out, but who knows if they do.

    If they are a more reputable buffet then they probably do. but if its some cheap-y place they probably save it a reheat the next day.

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