
What happens to women, between 18 and 22?

by Guest64076  |  earlier

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Women come into college as giggly fun filled freshmen. And leave as serious, sarcastic sneering grad's. Ready to fight World War III. What happens to them? Don't say dumb things like life. Because I'm over 25 and I laugh more now then I did when I was 18.




  1. they go from liking men their own age or slightly older to liking men slightly younger than their age.

  2. Many go backpacking around Europe or Asia.  It would appear you haven't travelled.  Its a real shame, you're missing out on so much.

  3. I don't remember starting college as a giggly person.  I know plenty of other women who didn't either...   and I know plenty of 40 year olds who still giggle and gossip like teenagers.  So I'd have to say your observation is a little skewed.

  4. Hey life gets pretty tough through those years. I learned how the world works, had to start paying bills, ended up dropping out of college, had my heart broken, went through several dead-end jobs, got fired from a promising job, started hating myself, went on antidepressants, was evicted, battled alcoholism, kissed my dreams goodbye, had several unhealthy relationships with men, had a few too many friends who stabbed me in the back, realized how religion and my overzealous parents had seriously caused me more harm than good, lost a roommate to suicide, lost an uncle suddenly to unknown causes, had to move back to my dead-end hometown after moving to a new and beautiful city, had to learn to lie, had to fake so much so often it isn't funny, found myself in places I never imagined I would ever end up, lost all my earthly belongings in a fire, was publically humiliated by "friends" in a newspaper, survived a suicide attempt, was almost committed to a psychiatric facility, the list goes on.

    I have experienced lots of other positive experiences during that time period too. Life is bittersweet. I have tried to learn from these experiences. But I still have a melancholy outlook. Life hasn't been easy for me, and I have had it easy compared to many other women. Most women are raped, assaulted, almost killed, tortured, brutalized, forced to raise children alone, abandoned, given low-paying jobs, and are often treated as lower-class citizens. This happens in America, not only third world countries.

    I am not a feminist. I believe that women should be treated as human beings. And we are generally the more responsible s*x. This is why we emerge from grad school with a steely gaze and determination to survive. Women just aren't able to compartmentalize (is that how you spell it?) like men do. Every aspect of life is intermeshed together. So it is very tough to just lighten up and forget about the bills, bad memories, future concerns, etc in the moment. We take everything very seriously and overanalyze things. And it takes us plenty of practice to just laugh and slow down and have a couple drinks with the guys. We have to plan it and work up to it. Perhaps thats why men are so great at making us laugh. They don't want to see us frowning and fussing. They need to see us laugh and forget our troubles.

    My advice to you is to use this knowledge. Next time you meet a frantic female, try to break the ice with a joke or smile or anything along those lines. And don't give up, there'll be a woman who cracks up at your joke eventually :)

  5. Brainwashing from their college professors perhaps.  I'm a college student and I see it all the time.  Its an uphill battle.

  6. How is the behavior you're assuming of young women different from how SOME young men act before during and after college? Can you say generalizations up the kazoo?

    How do you know what all of the millions of college women are like-have you conducted a nationwide survey of pre- and post-college age women? If not-you're basing your ideas of what women are like on your extremely limited experiences. For some reason-none of us seem too impressed by what you have to state about women or life in general..

    I don't think I can say anything dumber than your question..but I will think about it and see if I can come up with some equally obtuse questions about men between the ages of 18 and 22..based on my personal experiences vs research.

    Edit: I wasn't too mean of a kid-but you set yourself up for this hon...easy target.

  7. The difference between men and women is that Women are a lot more mature then men, so you at 25 and laughing more then a woman who is 25 is because you're still about 2 years behind in maturity then she is..A woman thinks about a career and a family and such things like that, men just don't no offense...

  8. They Change????  Didn't notice!

  9. They make their mistakes.

  10. It depends on the person. Maybe they become more focused on their careers? You can't just think that every single girl turns into that just because *some* girls that you know might have. I'm 25 and I like to have as much fun as the next person.

  11. Lol actually... you're absolutely right.  Idk why.

  12. well u said don't say dumb things, that's one of the snob part. Find it hard to believe that u laugh more.  

    I don't think u can generalize. although guys and girls alike are bit more serious after college.  

    But in truth it is the nature of the person which gets refined.  U get to study some "profound" things and ur thought process changes too.

  13. not life..ok Men!

    really hard to answer a dumb q with a serious answer

  14. They soon will get serious about life. I once knew a nice lady who was silly and crazy in a good way. My father said "She won't amount to anything because all she likes do do is dance and party." I lost touch with her for 37 years but I saw her on T.V. today. She gave up the fight to be President but as we all know she may become Vice President.

  15. it's not just women, it is all humans. It is the intersection of naivity and dreams with reality that causes that maturity to occur.

  16. I'm not in college but the whole freshmen 15 thing probably depresses them.  They could also be depressed that all of the fun of college is over and now its time to work so theyre all moody

  17. All I can do is laugh and agree

  18. become ,  they grow a pair?

  19. they grow up ,people are different some come out more confident others  come out as crazy as they were going in.

  20. they get really stressed out by the time they are 20 from college, work, husbands, and kids all at the same time..and suddenly they hit that age where they suddenly loosen me.. i know..i have 5 married siblings

  21. For the idiot that said marriage, don't worry it wont happen to you!  

    I don't know because you seem to be talking about americans, and all americans are wierd.

  22. They get boring. Maybe married.

  23. They start thinking they are better, smarter and prettier than anyone else.

  24. I think it's called growing up. Or maybe giving up. Whatever, I skipped the required gene.

  25. Why does this have to gender specific? It is life that changes people. The experience you have while enrolled in college, changes you (no matter who you are as a person) either for the better of for the worse. Most of the women who've graduated understand that they're now entering the "the real world". They can no longer party hard and stay out all hours of the night. They have to get serious and seek employment that will pay enough for them to repay school loans, pay rent and keep food on the table. Some or moving on to serious relationships with men (or women) that they've met in college, and are now looking to get married and start a family. They've realized that life is no longer about partying and hooking up. Because doing keg-stands and getting phone numbers will not pay the bills. And it's not being stuck up or s****., it's growing up and taking on the responsibilities of life.

  26. I think as a 19 year old female sophomore that as the years past we mature more. For example my first and second semester were totally different. I spent all my time on having fun my first semester and my grades showed that (I had a 2.8) , but when I went back for the second semester I still had fun but I also focused on my studies more and earned a 3.2 for the semester and a 3.0 cumlaive. So we just mature and take things like life more seriously as we grow in age in one sentence.

  27. Personally, my case is just the opposite of what you're saying. Sort of. Actually, no, there's no correlation. I started college as a painfully shy, scared to death of everyone, 16 year old girl who was very polite and nice, but was always nervous about something or other that was usually not worth the nerves. I graduated at 20, got a job for a year, now at nearly 23, I'm halfway finished with my MS and going for PhD and I'm much more open, relaxed, fun-loving, less stressed, less nervous and less serious than I've ever been. It's kind of a relief, I came out of my shell somewhere in all of this. I've never been a very sarcastic, dry person, either. I don't know, hahaha, nothing you said describes me at all. And I can't think of any girls my age that it describes, either, truth be told. Maybe it's the area you're from? A subculture of sorts? I don't know.

  28. I live next to a university, and i notice the bumper stickers on  students reminds me of things past for me, but also very much that a 20 year old (especially in college) is someone who thinks every little injustice they "discover" in the world

    is something which has merely been overlooked so far (!) so

    is something they can and will fix, and simply by bringing it to the light!

    ALSO what happens is they become a bit snobbish with their newly aquired knowledge and 'adultyness' makes them (OF COURSE!) better than everybody else.

    ((even though they'd offer a wonderful, self-convincing rebuttal to that observation!))


    THEN they get a little older than THAT stage?---> and they become all about only what's going on in THEIR yard, and who gives a c**p about the world stuff.  And they ultimately change NOTHING.

    ...I will pin some of the blame for their lofty ideals, being instilled in them by proffessors, who are a breed of human that has never had to leave school an so go INTO the real world...((so ideals are all they have to imagine are what real is)).

  29. I haven't being in college in a long time. But if I remember correctly the courses at the last years are more complex than the courses at the starting years. Plus you have the pressure of finding a job, finding a house, etc. So you become more serious (both men and women).

    As of ready to fight WW3, I supposed you mean having a good moral. It helps during your ordeal in that year. Only a nut-case would think is ready for WW3 tough.

  30. Now you scare me. LOL.

  31. Between 18 and 22 women become old enough to see x*x rated movies, vote, drink, and in a few states get rid of junior driving licences. They also get to have s*x with anyone in any state without worrying thier partner will be arrested for statutory rape. Pretty much the same goes for guys. The only difference is the women mature mentally a bit faster, obviously.

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