
What happens to you when you die?

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What happens to you when you die?




  1. No one knows the answer to that question.

  2. I think its like sleeping you dont know your dead

  3. you go to heaven or h**l

  4. Well there really are many different answers for that question. When I asked it I was 18 years old and in high school. My bus driver was a preacher and he told me that when you die you don't go to heaven or h**l. you go "out" as he would put it. He said that everyone there is 30 years old. You might remember the people you once knew and you may not. I hope that helps you somewhat.

  5. well it all depends on if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. if you have then you will go to heaven to be with the one who suffered and died on the cross for you. if you have not then you will go to h**l where there is nothing but torture and torment and the worm dieth not. it is a very scary place.

  6. nothing happens at all

  7. You become worm food.

  8. well if you ask my momma, she always said those shoes can take you anywhere, they can even take you to the store

  9. After death u will have to go through an crucial exam. and then go to h**l or heaven.

  10. they bury you

  11. You go back to the dirt from which u came. And when it is time God will resurrect you. So u can say the dead are asleep.

  12. You're dead.

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