
What happens to you when you get really nervous?

by  |  earlier

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What happens to me is that I get really really bad cramps, and nausea, and it's so awful, I want to know I'm not the only one!! And how do you deal with yours? I try to take deep breaths and think about something happy that I'm looking forward to.




  1. I start chewing my nails. It's the worst because I make a great effort always have my hands well manicured.

  2. I start shaking

  3. My stomach is very emotional. When ever I get upset, sad, or nervous (even happy nervous), I my stomach starts hurting and I feel like throwing up or going to bath room.  

  4. I start rambling and babbling and making no sense at all....

  5. i start sweating and i cant breathe.

    i try to NOT get nervous..haha..

  6. i havt to go potty my heart pounds hard, and my cheeks shake...weired i know!!!!

  7. I think of ways of getting back at them, and I feel angrey!

    My face feels really hot,all red!!

  8. I cry. Lol...

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