
What happens to your garbage once the garbage truck picks it it up? is it sorted through by people or does it?

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just get thrown in some landfill?




  1. In the landfill it goes.

  2. It depends on where you live, some towns burn it to generate electricity, usually with the trash from several other nearby places. I believe most places put it in a landfill, which may be capped eventually and left alone, or may have pipes inserted to collect methane (almost the same as natural gas) that forms from decomposition to generate electricity.

  3. here in Italy we recycle. the non recyclable trash is put into some kind of ecological incinerator... although i don't understand how it could be ecological!

  4. Unless it's recyclables, it goes into a landfill of some kind.  Somebody might dig through it there, looking for treasures, but not beforehand.

  5. In San Francisco the garbage is sorted in part and then recycled.

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