
What happens to your tires when you hit the speed bumps on the side of the road.?

by Guest45410  |  earlier

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What happens to your tires when you hit the speed bumps on the side of the road.?




  1. They are rumble strips, not speed bumps. They are there to get your attention or to wake you up as you are leaving the roadway. Nothing out of the ordinary happens to your tires.

  2. Ah. The Rumble Strips?  Nothin'. They're just there to get yer attention.

  3. Nothing. They are there to wake you up in case you fall asleep.

  4. They bounce over the bumps.  Nothing bad will happen.  The speed bumps are there to wake up sleepy drivers and to let you know you are going too far off to the side.

  5. Nothing if you were driving slow enough....

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