
What happens usually when a stock i in a Hostile take-over bid? HGLC is symbol, I own 90,000 share any advice?

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What happens usually when a stock i in a Hostile take-over bid? HGLC is symbol, I own 90,000 share any advice?




  1. If the bid is accepted by the board of directors, you will be forced to sell your shares.  In that these shares are now selling for about 1/2 of a cent, yours are worth $495 at the current market.  Assuming the bid is higher than that, you may do better, but really, for $500 worth of stock... is it worth too much consternation?

  2. The usual advice if a quality company has had a bid approac is to sit tight and await events. The first bid from a hostile bidder is normally 'a shot across the bow' This may prompt another bidder to come out of the woodwork and/or there could well be an increased offer from the  current bidder. Where is the shareprice in relation to the bid price? If it is just above it may mean the market thinks it is the right level. Hopefully it is quite a bit higher.

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