
What happens when I violate my probation on a restricted licence in CA?

by Guest31773  |  earlier

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I recently got a speeding ticket on a suspended licence and i got 3yrs probation to obey all laws. Today I have a restricted licence but i got another speeding ticket and I am schedule to appear in court. Any ideas what the consequences will be?




  1. more time on your suspension and more fines and if you become a habitual offender they take your license for good...revoke you

  2. ask Paris Hilton.

  3. I have never seen probation violated in California for traffic infractions, like stop signs, speeding, u-turns, etc.  Probation is violated by another misdemeanor or felony.  Probation is also violated when you overstep the bounderies of your restriction.  I suspect that you were not driving to/from work/school as per the restriction.  You will have to explain where you were going and why not why were you going so fast.  Another question, was your license suspended because of a DUI?  If so, you are not on probation for a suspended license, but a DUI.  That means your license is suspended per 14601.2 not 14601.1, you might get interlock.

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