
What happens when Obama loses?

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After all has been brought out about how little he showed up to work and how many times he just voted present, do you think he will be re-elected to the senate? Maybe the McDonalds in Chicago needs a fry cook?




  1. There will probably be a higher unemployment rate than there is now, and maybe we call all move to China or whatever country we keep selling out to get a decent paying job. So maybe the fry cook job won't even be available.

  2. Should Obama lose, and I hope he does, we already know what will happen. We have examples from the last 2 elections.

    The Democrats honestly believe people like Al Gore, John Kerry, and now Barack Obama are "mainstream" and that most Americans feel the same way as them. The arrogance of the far left in the Democratic party will not allow them to admit their problems are "in-house". The media promotes the lies and half-trues, created by the Democrats, and actually believe these things themselves.

    When they find out that people actually think for themselves and don't buy into the lies of the Democrats and the media, they have no answer. At this point, they will start looking for ways to move votes from McCain to Obama. Then they will simply start trying to create votes. All the while, they will be accusing Republicans of vote buying, stealing, intimidation, hoping to get the American People to believe them.

  3. You wish Beckie. I guess we'll never know because he won't lose. Good sense of humor...sike. McDonalds??? Not for a Harvard law graduate.LOL

  4. They (McDonald's) have this new southern style chicken that I have been wanting to try. Wonder if Barry Hussein could fry me some up?

  5. No, if the people of Illinois were smart they would not vote him back in the seat.  Haven't heard one citizen from that state that really supports him.

  6. Then all the people who know absolutely nothing about politcs and all the scams that Obama is trying to pull will slit their wrists and die, and the world will be a better place.  :D

    (and I'm a LIBERAL and I STILL would not vote for Obama, because I can smell a rat from a mile away, and he is most definitely one of them)

  7. lose what??? I know that you are not talking about the election !!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN'08 !!!!

  8. Your gloom and doom sceanario will not happen, change is comming, so get use to it.

  9. he loses! that is that. he tried and hopefully media wont bother him til he runs for president next election. nothing but opinion!

  10. Senator Barack Obama will be our next president. Get used to the idea. We are going to make it happen. God bless.

  11. He will go back to being a half-decent senator and blame the Republicans for everything.

  12. No, that can't happen.  Obama doesn't have the experience to be a fry cook either.  He certainly could be re-elected to the Senate, they certainly do love their rock stars who are more interested in being re-elected than serving their country. (Of course, we are not really sure what Obama's country really is)

  13. the devil will be very very mad.

    obama sold his soul to him to win this.

    theres obama saying mccain is a better choice for president than he is.

  14. Obama will go back to being a nobody. I mean seriously, who gave a sh!! about him before he ran? Oh that's right- no one! Obama will probably win though, considering how many young people have been brainwashed into voting for him. Pathetic.

  15. It's humorous how the GOP honchos are panicking after the unprecidented DNC Convention.

    Just too tough an act to follow. Now they're canceling Monday's convention. They're out hiding behind the smokescreen of Gustav, stalling for time trying to think of something to trump it.

    And, we're all so dumb we can't figure out what they're doing? AWWW - - - POOR US!

  16. he can go back to the south side of Chicago and do all of that important stuff he said qualified him to be president

  17. Maybe he'll become a decent person and help his poor brother out. Maybe get his brother the job at McDonalds. That would be a nice thing to do for him. Obama has his law degree to fall back on. Although I wouldn't want him to be my lawyer. I don't trust the man. I use the term man sarcastically, he's more of a sissy lala spoiled brat child.  

  18. The Hillary for Prez 2012 campaign begins right away, GO HILLARY!

    Hillary don't preach, I'm in trouble deep

    HIllary don't preach, I've been losing sleep

    But I made up my mind, I am voting for Johnny!

    I'm gonna vote for Johnny!

  19. If Obama loses, then McCain and the Bush administration stole the election!

  20. How do you know that he is going to lose.  Mccain is nothing but an old toad sitting on a log.

  21. They will blame it on racism.  They will try to say that he lost because he was half black.

  22. If Obama loses People better invest in a russian for dummies book because Mccain will start a  war with Russia and we will lose

  23. If he losed, life goes on and he still has a law degree.I am sure that he has thought about the possibility of losing. And that McDonalds in Chicago fry cook thing, only shows your intelligence level. Which makes one wonder, what you may need to happen to you in the future ,since you are already a loser!

  24. He will go back to the Senate and finally mis-represent the people of Illinois instead of just running for office. So that's a mixed blessing.

    He'll live in his mansion in the Chicago neighborhood of Hyde Park, where University of Chicago is, so he'll be surrounded by adoring fans of lefties who will continue to be his adoring supplicants.

    Probably he'll be a professor somewhere eventually when (I hope) the people of Illinois vote him out. Academia is where he'll eventually end up; I hope he'll teach lawyers only, and not college students. He'll be able to do less damage there.  

  25. When Obama loses there will be mass riots in the inner cities, causing death and destruction. The Ecconomy will grow because all the rebuilding that will take place.  

  26. *sigh* He voted "present" as a political move to give his party more time to negotiate and make it easier to get people on the fence to his side.  

  27. Have you been living in a cave the last eight years?  McCain could run unopposed this election and still lose...sorry to say, but Bush has destroyed any chance of another republican holding the presidency for a while...he has hurt this country and it's citizens way to much.

  28. There will be a lawsuit about election irregularities in every state that was close.

  29. what happens when McCain loses?

    After all has been brought out about how little he showed up to work and how many times he just voted present, do you think he will be re-elected to the senate? Maybe the Nursery home needs him?

  30. Obama will be given a talk show on MSNBC. It will be named, "Uh, uh, uh, uh , uh."

  31. On the one hand there will be riots and on the other lawsuits. It will all pass. Obama himself will not win re-election in Illinois (because he never showed up for work) and he will just disappear. Ten years from now he will be on "Dancing With The Stars" and then "Celebrity Boxing". He'll lose at both of those too. Eventually, "Where Are They Now" will do a segment on him and we'll learn that he finally overcame his cocaine addiction and found Allah again after hitting rock-bottom in 2017 (when he will attempt to rob a liquer store and get caught). We'll all say "wow...good for him!". And, that'll be about it.

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