
What happens when a 2 yr old falls off a trampoline and falls on her arm? does it mean its broken?

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My 2 yr old sister(breana) fell of a trampoline. I have a net on it but as soon as i was about to zip it up she fell out! she complained that she dropped her piece of candy,but she wouldnt say if her hand hurt. my step dad moved both her wrist around and he said"nothing feels broken". So what is the problem?




  1. Is your stepfather a doctor?  Does he have an orthopedic license?  If not th eproblem is the child should have been seen by a doctor.  Small children's bones aren't like those of adults and while it may not have appeared to be broken by your step father's standards it very well could be broken because SHE is only two year's old and NOT and adult.   Besides WHAT THE h**l WAS A 2 YEAR OLD DOING ON A TRAMPOLINE anyway?  That is endangerment if you take her to hospital now they will probably call cps.

  2. Well, when my daughter was two she fell down the stairs (because she only ran, never walked, LOL).  She fell on her arm also.  She never once complained.  She never cried!  I moved her wrist also and all was well.

    But two days later...she was laying on her tummy and went to push up to get up.  She did not use that arm.  I tried to get her to push with it, but she just wouldnt.  Never said it hurt, she just didnt want to use it.

    Brought her in, and it was a fracture.  She had a cast for 5 weeks.  

    So I would say if it's achey or she wont use it, bring her in to her doc to get checked.  Is it worth rushing her to the ER?  Nah.

    Good luck!

  3. She is probably fine; however, if it begins to swell or if it seems to really inhibit her ability to do her normal activities, consult a physician.

  4. When you suspect a break the LAST thing you should do is move it around!!!

    Watch for bruising. If it doesn't hurt, then she's probably OK.

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