
What happens when a President-Elect dies before assuming office? Does the VP elect become the next President?

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What happens when a President-Elect dies before assuming office? Does the VP elect become the next President?




  1. Yup.  

    Mcain don't look like he will make a full term at his age.  So if he wins then dies, we will FINALLY have a woman for president.

    Unless you vote for Obama who will live forever at his age.

  2. If it happens before December 14th and the vote by the Electoral College, then those electors who have been issued certificates of ascertainment by their respective Governors based on the results of the Presidential Preference Election in November will meet and cast their votes for President and Vice President. Since only 24 States have laws which bind those electors to voting the way the people preferred, it can't be determined who would be elected in place of the person preferred by the voters in that state. If it happens after December 14th, then the Vice President Elect will be sworn into office as the new President on January 20, 2009 and will have to nominate a Vice President under terms of the 26th Amendment.  

    The President and Vice President are not elected in November. They are elected by the Electoral College in December.

  3. If it happened after the election, The VP elect would be sworn in.

    If it happened before the election, that Party's National Committee members would meet very quickly and choose a new nominee.

  4. Yes because both were on the same winning ticket.  Check the constitution and its amendments for further information.

  5. yes sir!

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