
What happens when a baby is out of water too long?

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when the mothers waters breaks and the baby still inside for too long. what happens?




  1. They want the woman to deliver usually within 24 hrs after the water breaks because there is increased risk of infection that can affect the baby the longer you wait.  Once that bag of water breaks it opens woman up to way to many risks of infections.  

  2. Most doctors in the US will push for delivery within 24 hours of the water breaking, because they say there is an increased risk of infection.  The risk of infection comes mostly from internal exams by doctors & nurses though, so if you just refuse those I think the risk is minimal.

  3. They can die because they can't get there oxygen without amniotic fluid and they can start using the bathroom inside the woman and lastly the woman can get a major infection. It's all around not good. Go to the hospital if your water has broken because they need to induce within 48 hrs of water breaking

  4. there is a risk for infection.

  5. It evaporates?

  6. There is an increased risk of infection, but if that doesn't happen then the baby is okay. The amniotic fluid keeps replacing itself every 2 hours I think it was, but obviously you want to have the baby out right away. Having your water broken is the most grossest feeling in the world, every time you have a contraction or try sitting up or something like that it gushes A LOT.

  7. The biggest risk is infection. Infection happens when bacteria is introduced into the v****a after the water breaks. It's important after the water breaks to keep everything out of there, even the doctors hands as much as possible. Most hospitals require iv antibiotics after 24hrs of the water being broken. Other than that a woman's body continues to produce water so the baby will be fine in that aspect.

  8. My water broke at 29 weeks, and I was on bedrest with broken water for 2 1/2 weeks.  I was given antibiotics to help with the increased risk of infection.  There was also a risk to my son because my fluid was so low.  The doctors would not keep the baby in there if they thought it wasn't better for the baby.  Every day in the womb is like 2-3 days out of the womb, and it really is best to keep the baby inside as long as possible if the baby is pre-term.  If water breaks pre-term, they want the mother to make it as close to 34 weeks as possible.    

  9. im not sure that has not happened to me  

  10. A womens water can break and still have a healthy baby later on. Its not ideal but does happen. My water broke without labor when I was only about 32 weeks. I went to the hospital and after a few hours they talked of sending me home. I didn't because labor started but if it hadn't I would have been sent home with a nurse coming to the house every two days to check on me until labor set in.

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