
What happens when a nine year old gets a tooth extracted under local anaesthetic?

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How long does it take?

How exactly do they take the tooth out?

Is it very painful?

Is there pain afterwards?

First time my son has needed this and I have no idea what goes on.






  1. What happens, is that when he leaves the dentist, he has one tooth less. Isn't that why he's going to the dentist?

  2. the dentist probably put a gel in around the tooth to make the injection less painful.They then inject gum around the tooth. They will then pull the tooth.

    The injection will probably hurt a bit. It wont hurt pulling the tooth, but he may have tenderness afterwards

  3. Hi ...Thomas was 8 when he had three teeth taken out ..he was put to sleep because he has autism and therefore would have stood it ... it took them 30 minutes to do the work on Thomas he also had an enamel painted on to protect his teeth, they will inject a needle in either side of the tooth and when numb they will just remove it and if i am honest Thomas was fine after the toughest part for him was he couldn't eat on it and he was so hungry !

  4. the dentist will apply some de sensitizing gel to the gum around the tooth which will mean he cannot feel the injectiion

    he will then have LA injected on either side of the tooth, then you will either bee sent to the waiting room for the LA to be given a chane to work or you will stay in the surgery.

    you son wont be able to feel a thing.

    the dentist will then exctract the tooth, your son will feel a lot of pushing and pressure but it will not hurt him at all.

    he will then have to bite down on a gauze to stench the bleeding.

    it is important to remmeber that after the exctraction that you son does not poke his tounge into the hole where the tooth was, nomatter how tempting it may be. if he does it will cause a dry socket to form which could cause numerous problems later on in life.

    he must also not rinse out his mouth with anything for at least 12 hours as this will also remove the clot and cause a dry socket to form. he can spit out the blood but he must not rinse.

    the day after his tooth has been extracted it is advisable to swill his mouth with a warm salt mouthwash as this will killl any infection and help with the healing process.

    you have absolutley nothing to worry about, dentists do this procedure day in day out and know exactly what they are doing.

    good luck, i hope i helped

  5. Reassure him that an extraction is usually a sinple proceedure and nothing like what he has heard about in cartoons.  The needle stick for the numbing agent is more surprise than pain, and since juvenile roots are not nearly as long as those of adult teeth, the tooth will be out (they use dental pliers and son may feel slight pressure from pull but no pain)  and no longer a problem within minutes after the numbing has taken effect.  Whole thing from shot to using the "spit bowl" shouldn't take up more than 20 or 30 minutes of your day and it is doubtful he will need pain medication afterwards unless his tooth was abcessed and then he may be prescribed an antibiotic course as well.  Most pediatric dentists use care to minimize the experience and may even offer him the use of an iPod or cd player to distract him.  His mouth can remain numb for a couple of hours, make next meal something soft but not extreme in temperature and he'll be fine; kids take these things more easily than we do.

  6. Tooth extraction is very quick and easy.  They will put a little gel on the area then give a needle with the local anaesthetic in it.  He may be asked to wait outside for a few minutes for it to take effect.  Then the tooth is painlessly removed.  He can then keep it and put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy.  The bleeding will be held in place by a cotton ball and he will have a numb mouth afterwards.  There should be no pain apart from a few seconds when the needle goes in.  He might find it hard to eat or drink for a few hours after as his mouth will be numb so some boxes of juice with straws will probably be best.

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