
What happens when a wrestler suffers a legitimate injury during a match?

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Like when Cena fractured the disc in his shoulder.

Does the other wrestler just do his finisher so he can get the match over with and get the wrestler medical attention?

And how does the other wrestler know that they've suffered a legitimate injury?





  2. They end the match ASAP. For example, at Survivor Series 1997 in the Intercontinental Title match Owen Hart vs Stone Cold, Stone Cold was the predetermined winner. But Owen Hart hit a reverse piledriver and broke Stone Cold's neck. Since Stone Cold was the scheduled winner, Hart just taunted the crowd and gave Austin time to sit up and roll up Hart for the win.

  3. They usually have a plan to end the match quickly if someone gets hurt, like when Candice broke her collar bone, Beth ended the match as quickly as she could.

    At a non- televised show, like a house show, the ref throws his arms up in an X and the match is immediately stopped

  4. They usually end the match as soon as possible after an injury. I would assume that the wrestler tells the other wrestler that he is hurt.

  5. they usually will end the match as soon as possible like when candice injured her collar bone beth just pinned and that was it the match was over

  6. They end it somehow, Orton got injured, and that wasn't how it was asupposed to end in that last man standing, the other wrestler can tell by the real facial expressions & how slow he gets up.

  7. Bret Hart tells the story in "Wrestling With Shadows" that when he broke his sternum doing a dive out of the ring in a match against Dino Bravo, he couldn't talk loud enough (due to pain and lack of breath) to let the ref know he was hurt, so Dino just kept going.  They didn't realize Bret was hurt until he didn't follow Dino back into the ring.  The ref had no choice but to DQ Bret (which wasn't the planned finish) and then give the X-sign to the back.  Bret claims that Dino may have actually done more damage to him due to the inability to communicate.

  8. Usually, the wrestler gets the word somehow to the ref and to the other wrestler (unless it's obvious, in which case everyone already knows).  Once the ref knows, he signals for the match to end, from what I recall.

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