
What happens when having s*x after two weeks of vaginal birth?

by  |  earlier

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am scared that something will happen to me, i know i should of waited but it just happened




  1. Nothing happens but chances are there for infections.If you get foul smelling discharge consult your OBG doctor.

  2. First of whoo hoo - go you! so many women especially want nothing to do with s*x after birthing - so its great to see a positive spin on this.

    Everyone’s experiences make them an expert in their own right - so what is right for one couple may not be appropriate for another. Most couples wait for the magical 6 week mark  and are dreadfully disappointed when that incredible pre birth s*x doesn’t happen.  

    You say you are concerned about what will happen to you....well - apart from running the risk of pregnancy again and perhaps infection or splitting stitches/tears or grazes ( if you had these).... nothing.. big smiles..

    Now - you were concerned about the time period.. most places will say you need to wait 6 weeks - this is why-  The physical facts are that within six weeks of birthing, your uterus should be back to its pre-pregnancy weight and size. Breastfeeding assists in stimulating the hormones released around this function.   This is the reason that you are meant to have a six week check up and then are medically are ‘fit’ to commence intimate relations.  Ignored and unaddressed are the emotional and psychological changes that have occurred.

    EMOTIONALLY and PHYSIOLOGICALLY things shift a lot and it is a journey in reclaiming your sexuality – for both men and women.

    Reclaiming your sexuality can be a wonderful adventure – so don’t treat it as a chore or something that you just gotta do – enjoy the journey!

    I'd suggest anyone interested to go to  as there are free articles and lots of free info specially in this area. In no way does it demonize men nor pass judgments - there is a spot for asking questions too.

    It all depends I guess, on your birth experience and the damage ( physically and mentally) that you have endured and the meanings you place upon those experiences in relation to  s*x. you sound like you are very in tune with your partner - but perhaps felt it was a bit impulsive?

    My advice to anyone is to keep an open and honest communication link with your partner and take things slowly – with little pressure – and connect again with yourself as a sensual being, before attempting to touch another. ( and keep in mind birth control issues and taking care of any damage you may have from birthing)

  3. Usually nothing but you COULD get pregnant again.

    The reason they tell you to wait is your insides haven't healed yet from the vaginal birth so you need at least 6 weeks to get your insides, healthy again.  I wouldn't continue to have s*x until your OB/GYN says its safe,  There are other ways to get him off besides having intercourse that could Hurt You.  If they Bum doesn't care, then DUMP HIM cuz he's SELFISH and only cares about his own pleasures.  

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