
What happens when i was rear ended and the other person was at fault can i sue them to pay my deductible ?

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What happens when i was rear ended and the other person was at fault can i sue them to pay my deductible ?




  1. Their liability pays the entire cost of repairs or replacement and for injuies

  2. No need for your deductible.

  3. You claim on your policy, and your company arranges the repairs.  They then subrogate against the other driver.  You may have to pay your deductible to get the car repaired more quicly, however, you get it back when your insurance company collects.

  4. If you are in a no fault state, then your insurance company pays you up to your deductable and you can't sue the other person, who caused the accident for your fault for not having deductable.

    If you are in a fault state, and the other person caused the accident AS STATED BY THE POLICE REPORT not your opinion, then it does not matter what the deductaable is on YOUR insurance policy, because the OTHER person insurance will pay for your damages.

  5. Why sue, their insurance is going to pay for everything including a rental car.

  6. Don't worry about your deductable, it's all paid by their insurance, are you sure you 100% okay, some rear end accidents take sometimes a week or better before you start feeling the symtoms of neck and sometimes back pain, go get checked out if you feel anything out of the ordinary. , I do mean anything (memory lapse, neck pain, back pain, leg pain and kind of pain your experiencing now that you didn't have before this accident.

  7. No need to. their insurance is going to fix your car. THEIR insurance does not care what your deductibile is.

    Your deductibile does not come into play until you either

    File a COMP claim (fire theft etc)

    or the accident is YOUR fault and you are going to get YOUR car fixed.

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