
What happens when its 31 days?

by  |  earlier

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i just read a qs about how old is my baby someone said that they counted four weeks then said their baby was 1 month others say that for example my son was born on the 24th of august so 24th of every month he was one month i thought. but here comes the q wat if your baby was born on the 31st as there is not always 31 days in a month




  1. Then you've got it easy. Just add a new month at the beginning of every month.

  2. It's not a big deal if you skip a few days or add some.

    My twins are almost 4-month-old now. They were born on 24th of April. I don't quite care if they are exactly 4 months old or a few days plus or minus. What's important is their health and well-being.

  3. I use the 12 - the day my son was born but if someone says how old is he I says  just over 7 months or Coming up to 7 months  I know some people just use weeks my son is 32 weeks.

  4. there is a 1 day difference here and I don't think it is much important especially when they grow up! just ignor it!

  5. Good point!!I work mine out by every 4 weeks though like 24 weeks is 6 months!

  6. inquiring minds want to know.

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