
What happens when one violates their court supervision in illinois?

by  |  earlier

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I got a drinking ticket in peoria illinois, then roughly 3-5 months later got another one in naperville while i was on court supervision for my last ticket....should i contact a lawyer?




  1. The worst case situation would be a re-sentence on the original charge - not likely.

    They will take into account o this ticket you were on supervison for another - you will probably be found guilty and fined

  2. I would assume that part of your court supervision is to notify your probation officer of any contact with law enforcement or any new arrests.  A ticket is considered an arrest so I would suggest you call them.  They will find out and it would be better for them to hear it from you then to find out another way.  Then, I would call a lawyer. If you can't go without drinking for a period of time while you are on supervision, you have a problem.  

  3. You will do jail time, at least 6 months.  Are you going to kill someone before you stop your illegal behavior?  Thank God you will also lose your license.

  4. You should contact a lawyer.

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