
What happens when our eyes lock with a stranger? Is it possible that there will be sparks...?

by Guest32226  |  earlier

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..or would the sparks be there only if the person is known to us?




  1. Very possible.  When we find the other person really attractive and he reciprocates the same emotion, we find ourselves going "kilig".  Sparks may not necessarily fly for someone we know, it could happen for a complete stranger and the lovelights could even be more intense, more blinding.

  2. Works for me all the time. Once I locked my eyes with a beautiful stranger and she locked hers, too. Then, wham! I saw sparks all over... after wifey slapped me and told me, "When I told you not to talk to strangers, that includes looking at them too." Now, whenever I see a stranger I just smile at the ground and think of those sparks.

  3. It is indeed possible.  

    I remember the swatch watch ad i saw back in early 90's. Not only did their (strangers) eyes lock, their lips did too.


    ha ha ha!@aref's stealth mode

  4. If I'm some kind of a stupid weirdo probably i would assume of a spark. But reality wise, its nothing. I'm a self-confessed snob to strangers. Makes me annoying whenever I passed by and some by-stander men will greet me "hi, i love u" or "hi miss".

  5. For me, always.   Especially when the stranger looks like one of Anna Feliciano's dancers.

    However, the lock never goes long enough for me to acquire the target and home in.   Always, they go to Stealth Mode.

  6. yes it maybe possible with the stranger if... you are conscious about it.  but if you are d**n busy and lots of things occupy your mind, i don't think it would be that way.

  7. well, it depends. in the philippines, everyone locks eyes with each other - even if you're just walking by or passing them by car/jeep. but if they actually smile at you, then there could be sparks there.

  8. It all depends what you both are feeling for that moment when your eyes lock and if there's even any feelings at all. By the way one cannot only have the feeling it has to be a mutual moment. But yes it is very possible. It's happened to me a few times in my life.  

  9. Yes, sometimes there could be sparks flying.  Especially if it's that time of the month, lol!  Sometimes too, we follow it up- it could lead to some kind of wonderful, hehe.  Often though, we walk on with a little sway here and there,  then after sometime more, it is completely forgotten.  All part of being a normal male and female of any species, if i may say so.

  10. it don't take much for me to get sparked.stranger or not .lol

  11. I went to a buddy's wedding in Cavite back in 1976.  I locked eyes with one of the bride's maids and there were major sparks.  I'll never forget the way she looked.  She was smoking hot.  I said to myself, right then, I'm going to get married to that one.

    We've been married 29 years and have 6 kids.  So far, so good.

  12. While driving one fine morning, someone cut me off without warning and I had to change to the other lane to avoid a collision.  I then floored it to catch up with the errant car, and side by side with it I glared at the driver with a menacing look.

    Our eyes locked for an instant, and I shot her sparks of the wrong kind to remind her of what she did.  I was expecting some similar belligerent gesture, but her eyes were a picture of remorse, even sadness, as she held up an apologetic hand.  I thought, OK, maybe she's a nurse being called to an emergency, or some such, and my anger dissipated as I pulled away.

    So yes, even with total strangers, it's possible sparks will fly, even if they are not of the usual type that we know of (or hope for).

  13. YES, sparks will fly, and then it begins... CHEMISTRY...

    I guess that's the tie when you can truly that something really good is gonna happen...

  14. it's called not being a weirdo. just b/c you make eye contact that's not some spiritual connection. when it come to hooking up with someone you have feelings for be practical. that's how relationships fail people base them all on lovey dovies and end up getting hurt

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