
What happens when player get a red card and a yellow card in soccer?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Red and yellow card are not positive sing in football. Can someone tell me that what happens when player get a red card and a yellow card in soccer?




  1. A red card is given for a severe breach of rules. This results in the player being dismissed from the game and usually a ban from the next match. A yellow is given for a moderate breach of rules and can be given to a player twice during a match. The first yellow acts as a warning while a second yellow card during the same match, results in an instant dismissal from the pitch and a ban from a subsequent game. If a player receives a yellow in one game and another yellow in the next game, this also results in a 1 match suspension. Rarely has a player been given a yellow card followed by a red as two yellow cards ensure the same outcome. However, there is room for human error as both cards are usually kept in the same pocket.

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