
What happens when players grow up adoring one team (yanks or red sox) then go play for the other team?

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do they learn to hate the team they grew up loving?

do they still root for their childhood team, unless of course they are playing against eachother?

or do they fall asleep dreaming of being traded to their favorite team?

seems like itd be hard to play for a diff team then i loved, unless of course im gettin 10 million a year. im sure that helps




  1. The team they play for becomes their new favorite team and they do everything they can to beat all the others.

  2. As long as they make it, I don't think they care where they end up.  I do remember reading about A-Rod and how he cried because he didn't want to be drafted by the Mariners, but he didn't have a choice cause the M's had the #1 pick haha.

    This question reminds me how the Mariners passed on drafting Tim Lincecum in '06, grrrr.  He is an M's fan.  And such a tiny beast.  Good thing he's in the NL, otherwise every one of his starts would make me :(

  3. You cash your check, and prove to your team that did not draft you how awesome you are.

  4. well jim thome grew up rooting for the cubs and now he plays for the white sox, so i guess he compromised a little.

  5. I know a Red Sox player (can't remember his name) grew up on Long Island as a Yankees fan. When he got drafted by the Red Sox, he burned some of his Yankees stuff. And I remember Tanyon Sturtze grew up in Worcester, Mass. as a Red Sox fan, yet played for the Yankees.

    How do you handle it? Well, if you're a professional, you go out and play the game like you're supposed to, regardless of the uniform. Had I been good enough to play pro baseball and I'd been drafted by the Red Sox, it would feel weird. But I wouldn't stop me from playing hard for the team, even against the Yankees. Besides, you're getting paid a lot of money, so that might help you overcome some of the awkwardness of being in the uniform of a team you hated from your youth.

  6. When your getting millions of dollars, who cares?

  7. That's a good question. Although everyone dreams of playing for their favorite team, I'm sure that alot don't throughout their career. But the fact of just being able to play in the Major Leagues covers that all up. You're just excited to be there and be apart of it.

  8. They deal with it, they have no choice. It is rare when players play for their childhood favorite team. They are professionals though and understand that they have to help out the team they are on and almost cut any emotional attachment to another team.

    There is an example of this in the NBA where Paul Pierce grew up a huge Lakers fan and hating the Celtics. He even said he hated it when he was drafted by Boston. But he is a professional and went out and did his job, especially against his childhood favorite Lakers in the recent title win.

    (I'm sure there are plenty of baseball examples as well, just can't think of any right now)

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