
What happens when puppies eat white chocolate?

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Because my little pup just got a hold of one, and I heard chocolate can be bad for dogs. It was a little hazelnut ball with white chocolate that accidentally fell from the table.




  1. your pup should be ok, he'll probally throw up and get some irritable bowl and be really hyper. You can do a search online for the ratio of oz to lb but normally dark chocolate and bakers chocolate are the deadly types in smaller quantities. The big thing is watch for nerological stuff like seizures. Feel free to do a search for animal poison control online if you have more questions or concerns.

  2. if it kept eating it it could kill it

  3. yes,chocolate is very bad for dogs.If he just ate a little I wouldn't worry.Make sure you keep it away from him

  4. Some foods commonly enjoyed by humans are dangerous to dogs, including chocolate (Theobromine poisoning), onions, grapes and raisins some types of gum, certain sweeteners and Macadamia nuts. The only known dangerous substance in chocolate is cocoa, so the danger of white chocolate is uncertain. The acute danger from grapes and raisins was discovered around 2000, and has slowly been publicized since then. The cause is not known. Small quantities will induce acute renal failure. Sultanas and currants may also be dangerous. Alcoholic beverages pose comparable hazards to dogs as they do to humans, but due to low body weight and lack of alcohol tolerance they are toxic in much smaller portions.

  5. It probably will make it a little "off" for a while. Just make sure it doesnt happen again as chocolate is not good at all for them , dark , milk or white.  


    Read this and don't worry.

  7. he will be fine especially since its white chocolate the darker the chocolate the worse it is a dog would have to eat alot of white chocolate to die he probably wont even get sick he is fine just dont give him choccolate grapes onions bones and garlic and h**l be fine a dog has to eat his body weight in the darkest chocolate bakers chocolate to get really sick an he stii probably wont die and if he eats a little bit h**l get a liitle sick so im guessin he will be fine just make sure he doesnt get it again

  8. White chocolate contains little or none of the poisonous substance. Obviously this is no reason to feed them white chocolate, still bad for them.

    It doesn't sound like anything to worry about. Pup may have an upset stomach at worse.

    My adult dog got hold of a big bar of dark chocolate and I was worried, but he is still alive a year on. He had bad diarrhoea and was a bit hyperactive. I keep it out of reach at all times now.

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