
What happens when someone's passport gets taken at a bar when it is someone else's??

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My friend an I were at bar hopping in california and she was using her sister's passport to get in. At one of the bars, the bouncer confiscated the ID and told us to leave. Do you think he will turn it to the police or just throw it out? I wouldn't be so worried if it was just a driver's licence, but does it being a passport make it more likely for the bouncer to turn it to the police? and if he did what will happen?




  1. He stole the passport and needs to be arrested

  2. I do not beleive he has the right to confiscate the passport.  I would personally be contacting the institution and asking for the timely return of the document.  He wont turn it in to the police.  I think you will find that if it hasnt been thrown out, it is in the managers office or sitting in the door desk or somewhere,  

    As already mentioned, it is theft.  He had no right to take it from you.  He had the right to refuse entry, but not steal the passport.  Call the club and really turn up the heat.  Speak with the manager and tell them that the bouncer has stolen the passport.

    If you have to, go to the police.  You might get into a little trouble, but then again I think the bouncer will be in a lot more trouble than yourself.

    If nothing else, report the passport as stolen/lost and get it replaced.  Dont want anyone using your sisters identoty (apart from yourself that is)

  3. Since bouncers have no authority to confiscate ANYTHING this is a larceny and a police report should be filed.

  4. The bartender had every right to take the passport  since the person presenting it was not the passport holder and was using it fraudulently. In fact the bouncer could have detained her and the police would have arrested her and brought her to the feds. The actual owner of the passport can expect a letter from the passport people any day. Getting a passport is a pain and she will have to start from scratch as if she never had one.

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