
What happens when someone has?

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an anxiety or panic attack?

like do they pace the floor, break down and start crying, do they feel like they cant breathe?




  1. Heart rate speeds up,hands tremble,sweaty palms,light headedness,hyperventilation, among other things.

  2. Hi,

    If you feel a panic attack or feelings of anxiety creeping up on you then try this word repetition technique that I learned that helps me to quickly 'snap out' of my panic attacks:

    I simply repeat the words 'cream cake' over and over in my head as quickly as I can without stopping.    You could use any word or words you like really but that's what I chose (because I like cream cakes).  It apparently works because it doesn't give your brain time to process the panicky thoughts and so helps you to relax again.  Seems strange I know ... but it works for me!

    There's also a free ebook that I found really useful called 'Get Rid of Panic and Anxiety for Good'. If you want to take a look you can find it at:    Even though I got it for free it has helped me absolutely loads!

  3. aww i am sorry if you are going through this yourself.  I think the severity can vary- you may pace, or yea some people really can't breath!! you seem to have answered your own question :)

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