
What happens when someone needs help but there are smarter than their shrink?

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What types of cases have been found in the past involving this?




  1. A psychiatrist is a highly educated trained professional in mental health. What makes you think you are smarter?

  2. The relative intelligence of the psychiatrist and his patient is irrelevant. The psychiatrist has the training and the experience to provide a therapeutic environment for his patients, and can provide a perspective that the individual patient doesn't have, since it comes from outside the patient.

  3. I know exactly how this feels!!

    I have taken a lot of outpatient information classes to help me live with my bipolar dissorder, and now I find that I exceed most therapist... Everything they suggest, I've already done...And then they tell me that I'm shootting down all their recomendations, that I'm negative, or that I'm not cooperative with their treatements...But the truth is, I've already done most of the things they tell me to do and, I'm still not any better.

    It is very hard to explain, cause most people think that being bipolar means you're not smart...and I've always been above average intelligence!! I make alot of self-awarness on my own and most of the time when I go see my therapist, I'll brief her on what I've realised and how I'm dealing with it and...she ends up being at "aww" cause she has nothing to say or do. (cause I've done it on my own already!!)lol

    We're lucky these days, with the internet and all the information that is at our reach, we can become our own specialist!!! ...I always double check the medication that is "tried" on me ( with the CPS - Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Speciaties- wich is the big blue book doctors use to learn of the side effects and research done on pills before handing them out...)

    I learned that even though doctors went to school for a long period, that doesn't make them Gods!!! Alot of them make mistakes and, alot of "shrinks" need help themselves!! Basically, we are all human and no one is perfect...we all make mistakes (but when it comes to doctors, their mistakes can cause someone it's I'd rather double check everything to be safe)

    My advice would be to keep on looking...It took me 4 therapist before finding one that helps!! And if you do not have a good relationship/confidence with your shrink, you should change!!! I'll admit most of the times, I don't really "need" my therapist but sometimes, she'll have a different view of things than me and that will help alot...or she'll suggest dealing with a problem in a way I never would have thought...

    Nobody is perfect, not even shrinks...and if you do not have a good "connection" with your shrink, you need to around for a new one!!LOL...sounds silly but, we confide and relly on shrinks with the most intimate details of our lives so, it's in our rights to have a good shrink!!

    Good luck and don't give up;)

  4. A very complacent question. I seriously doubt that you are smarter than a professionally trained therapist/psychiatrist. Unless you are of the same calibre as your doctor, then I would not recommend making this statement. If you are just not satisfied with the implementation of the doctor's care, switch to a different doctor. Simple.

  5. Are you talking about a manipulative patient who makes the shrink think he is getting better, but the patient is really just putting on an act?   In that case, the patient very patently has a sociological as well as psychiatric problem.

    As for emotional intelligence, any patient who spends his time trying to fake out his therapist is very immature.  So, unless the patient realizes that he is only hurting himself by being so manipulative, he won't change. It's easy to fake "getting better", but it's more intelligent to actually take advantage of the help that the therapist offers.

    As for intelligence in general, it's pretty smart to listen to a doctor who's been trained to handle psychiatric issues but pretty stupid to think you know more than the doctor.  Unless you've also been to medical school, specialized training, and internships, the doctor will always be smarter when it comes to the subject of psychiatry. Comparing intelligence in anything outside the doctor's field is like comparing apples to oranges and it really doesn't matter.

  6. it actually does happen more than anyone would care to think. There are a lot of variables, though, which change how much this might impact the effectiveness of treatment. Does the patient genuinely want to be helped? Does the nature of their disorder make them more interested in manipulating the psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist (& yes, there are MASSIVE differences between these three practices & their approaches) ? The training might help a less intelligent professional recognize when a patient is pulling one over on them, but it really isn't the same as being on equal footing. The world being as it is, this is not always possible. It is, theoretically, possible for a patient to benefit from a less intelligent treatment professional as long as the doctor-patient relationship is genuinely solid.  

  7. Well the "shrink" has many years of education, training and experience.

    The person that needs to work out their own problems is the patient not the shrink. The doctor only can guide a person up the mountain - he or she has to make the climb him or her-self.

    The best professionals I know "act dumb."

    Best regards.

  8. Well apparently this doesn't apply to you. "There are"  should be "they're" or "they are". The chances of a layman have as much knowledge as a Ph D or M.D. isn't going to happen. You may have specialize knowledge of your illness but "shrinks" have knowledge of many illnesses.

    There's a ton of meds out there for different illnesses, some that weren't originally meant to treat other illnesses but they work.

  9. if you were even smarter than you would know a shrink is going to think he is more right the more people come and see him and that would also make your like less what you want becuase then he would nover believe what you think you know!

  10. depends on what your smarter in, and if your smarter in mental health your shrink will only open your eyes if your honest

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