
What happens when the price of fuel, food, and the overall cost of living goes up but not your paycheck?

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I'm going to plant a garden, build a chicken coop and grow pot to supplement my income. After all didn't the Kennedy's run bootleg booze to get their money?




  1. Increase in the price of food, fuel and the overall cost of living it imply the situation of inflation, then more money is needed to survive  as previously done but it is not possible as you say that paycheck is not goes up. Then you must cut your consumption level, you can not spend much in luxury goods.

  2. You buy less stuff that you don't need. It's a good opportunity to seek out a new lifestyle, or make some big life changes. Definitely sell your car and move to an urban area. Rent a room out from craigslist & get to know your neighborhood and where you can find decent, affordable food.

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