
What happens when the price of gas per gallon is equal to minuimum wage?

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What's your view on this question? What if it reaches $10/gal? (doubt it but it can still happen) Just a question that has been bugging me and I want to know other peoples view on the topic.




  1. I dont think they can raise gas much more because the whole world is dependant on a vehicle of somekind I mean most truckers pay for there own gas diseal is like 450 a gallon thats what almost 1000 bucks to fill it up today soon people wont be able to afford gas then nobody will be able to get anything then the whole world will go bankrupt or crazy at least


  2. Whoa dude. That would bite. I guess the economy would collapse and anarchy would reign.

  3. Its already $8.00+ in Europe...

    people will keep driving is my guess...

  4. Beat feet on the street and park the go-juice burner.

    Or ... look at your boss and say, "I can't afford to work here anymore so either I get a raise, a fuel expense account or hire someone else."

    If you can't afford to work or drive to work, and there's no other way to get there, then its time to go shopping for another job.

  5. Americans have enjoyed cheap gas when compared to other developed nations for a long time (like European countries). The big difference is that they have the resources to deal with higher gas prices (great public transportation, better social services programs). In America we are way too dependent on our vehicles. Its not our fault thats the route our country chose. But now we can't afford to maintain our lifestyle, so what happens now? I think the government needs to step in and do something. Because when people cant work (because they live in the suburbs and public transportation sucks where they live), can't get to school to secure a better future for themselves (because they can't afford to pay high tution and room & board), and can't go see there families and freinds (because bus tickets and airline tickets are unaffordable because of high gas prices). Theres going to be chaos!!

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