
What happens when the race card is pulled

by  |  earlier

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your in jeopardy of losing your job and accusatons are false

then what?




  1. Happened to me..and I lost my job.

    They called it zero tolerance.

    Guy LIED..said I cussed and called him a bad name..

    Happened outside of the office.


    BUT I am not mad at the race that pulled the stunt...

    Not much you can WILL lose your job because companies have been sued when their employees allegedly called Mexican co-workers "Beaners...and cockroaches"...

    So they pull the race card and YOU lose your job,,been there done that..amd I did not say it..

    and they did not care that the guy made sexit remarks about my driving..sexing is ok..

    oh yeah and Human resources was WTF.


    We should eliminate racial preference, etc

    Minorities are the majority these Houston. the special status makes no sense and I think adds to issues...


    see the link below... for horrible video

    I taught cultural diversity...during the New Orleans hurricane..that was crazy.

  2. You kill the person accusing you of being racist, this way there is no claim, and thus no reason to get you fired.

    Or you can keep a picture of you and friends of all ethnicities present, and show people and say "See! I'm not racist!"

    Or you can p**s them off by filing the same claim against the person accusing you.

    If none of these work, then make sure to commit the crime for which you have been accused, otherwise there is an imbalance in justice.

  3. It’s amazing the answers you receive when you ask such questions. First things first, no matter what happen between upper management at your job and yourself, you have the right to defend yourself. If they take the side of the persons accusing you or using the racial slur, then you should see the assistances of an attorney. If you're in the right, and it's not legally proven that you used the slur or used actions against this person, then more then likely you have a good chance of winning a case. Remember, now days it's not just white people being accused of such actions. I've seen people of all races be seriously reprimanded, or fired for such non-sense. You have the right to stand up for yourself.

    If you chose not too, then I would advise you just seek employment with another company.

  4. Retain a lawyer now.

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