
What happens when there are 40 special education students in twelfth grade who require a full time aide?

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There must be another way because I don't think the school can afford 40 aides for them. The school can refuse an aide as long as they are able to find another alternative. This is called BUDGETING!




  1. Sometimes they can share an aide. Our district does that but really if it is on their IEP they must obey it. If I was one of their parents I would make sure my kid had one. They district can not override an IEP.

  2. This is one of the hard truths of education..there is a financial bottom line.  If all the students have an IEP that state they must have a full time aide, the school will have to provide one.  Now, if possible, they may see if there are ways to share an aide or combine the kids in some way, but it will depend on exactly what is called for in the IEP.  If they do in fact all have to have a one-on-one, they will have one.  However, keep in mind that most school systems feel that having a one on one in the higher grades can cause social issues, so may try to find other adaptations to make the child "blend" more. That will all depend on the child, the program, the parents and the issues at hand.

  3. this question is best settled by the children's parents and the principal.

  4. Who has determined if the students need an aide? Were their cases solved individually in a case conference? Are these students high functioning enough that they can be in a regular classroom with the assistance of an aide? They can have something written into their IEP that says that an aide 'will be available' which means that the aide is not with them every minute all day.

  5. Well check with the state laws too.  In California, the state requires of the school (mandates actually) that all students who can be educated must be given that education (that is what the school receives funding from the state for).  So, the schools are required to do just that or risk loosing the money  

    If they are not providing that education check with the State to see if they are supposed to.  If they are then tell the principal at the school that you will file a complaint if things are not addressed promptly.

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