
What happens when there is a contradiction between yourself and your religion/faith???

by Guest64704  |  earlier

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What happens when there is a contradiction between yourself and your religion/faith???




  1. i don't have religion,so i will listen to my heart

  2. I will follow my heart which listens to my head.

  3. well, what will possibly happens if we go against religion,, God will punish us?? Why so,, as religion is created by human being,, not God, well im another human being as well and i also have my say, if religion says slaughter goat, i cant follow that. Even some beliefs in religion contradicts each other.

    As long as i dont hurt any one, i think its ok if there is contradictory between me and my religion. ( That will not be a reason for me to change religion)

    Nothing is perfect, and no one is perfect. As long as we follow the basic living rules.  

  4. ....never been in tat position....and i know it will never happen....insyAllah...

  5. I seek for the truth based on what i believe. So, if my religion kinda have this flaw, i have to admit it and get out from it, if no, i stand still..

  6. You either do what your religion tells you, or you give yourself permission by rationalizing why its necessary or okay for you to sin.

  7. Do research and understand the means ... not comdeming and blame the God ...  

  8. Good thing that I'm not too religious....

    ........... for I have sinned!


  9. Like s*x or no s*x before marriage?

    Like no meat on Good Friday?

    Like no going to Buddhist temple?

    Mmm... Never contradicted myself with that..

    Have to say religion does not play a big part in me, although I wish I was more a religious person.  

  10. Religion and faith are 2 different things. Religion is man made with man made laws,  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. My religion has an instruction book, I have faith that my creator will lead me to the answer when I search his word.

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