
What happens when we die....?

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ive been thinking a lot recently about death( don't really know why) and was wondering if there's another place we go to.I'm not religious and don't believe in heaven or h**l) but i am convinced we go to another dimension outside of our human state. obviously i realise that nobody knows, but was wondering where you all think we end up....surely that cant just be it when we die??




  1. i think we just start over in a new life, like reincarnated into another person or animal, and i think that would explain deja vu...

  2. If you are a Hindu you come back. If you are a Christian you meet some old dude at a pearly gate. If you are an atheist death is the end. If you follow Osama Bin Laden you get 72 virgins. If you are an agnostic you have no idea what happens to you at death. If you follow Fred Phelps you are going to h**l. And if you are me You really don't care what happens.

    Pick your poison

  3. my grandfather was a parapsychologist, and he wrote a book about parapsychology, in it he explains what happens when you die. i´ll summarize (a lot) and explain it in a very general way; when you die, your..lets call it "soul" lifts from your body and for a couple of days just "floats" around invisibly, looking at your family, parents, usually it accompanies its body to its funeral...your body is like some old clothes that it used. then after some days 3D vision disappears and you see in 4D. after some time you achieve a new level of consciousness...its extremely hard to explain but you are not in your body, you dont see taste feel (as in touch) its something completely different

    but in theory you never die, only your body

    pretty fascinating huh :)

    btw im atheist i dont believe in god either

    there is no such thing as h**l or heaven.

  4. No matter what you belive in, if you have been a good person or not, you'll go somewhere peaceful.

    Don't expect rainbows and unicorns if your a murderer or rapist.

    Like I said, no matter what you belive, you should expect to go somewhere nice if you've been a good person.

    I'm christian, and belive in heaven and h**l, but my view of heaven or h**l could be totally different from the christian sitting next to me at church.

    Everyone fears the unknown, but I think for me [atleast], it will be like one of those situations like where you want to ask someone out and finally do it and they say yeah, kinda thing. lol. hard to explain.

  5. If you accept Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life I believe you go to heaven where we worship the LORD forever.

  6. We will go to a much better place in the House of our Lord.

    If you mean physically though, our bodies will rot and stink. :op

  7. Yeah there is  life after death. I agree with BlackBerry.  If you accept Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life I believe you go to heaven where we worship the LORD forever.  Read Holly Bible and pray in Jesus name , Holly Spirit will guide you to know more about God and heaven.  

  8. People only die because that is what they think. If you believe that you will live forever then you will.  

  9. I belive theres something out there.... because I have seen and heard some things that cannot not be explained. I do not know if it is heaven or h**l, but there is something out there. I just do not know what.

  10. ...I knew some christian crock would stink up this question sooner or later... -Man wants to believe in an "afterlife" to give his current state of living more meaning and cause. The sad truth (which nobody likes) is that when you die, you experience the opposite of what you are experiencing now. How do I know? ...I don't, but it seems more logical and truthful than going to a place where self-righteous bungholes strum harps for eternity! -Live your life to the fullest, because when you're dead, you'll never know if what they said about "god" was just bullsh!t all along. Remember, most of them have a death-wish anyway.

  11. We are either reincarnated or we disappear. There is no "God," no "Satan" Just, you, me, and everyone else on the planet. There is Heaven: GREEN DAY CONCERT!!!! And there is h**l: High School. So, that's my view.

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