
What happens when we run out of oil/coal/gas?

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The way I see it, using this gas, we make even more materials that require oil/coal/gas to run.

We're just increasing the amount of gas we use every year.

I've been doing some reading about the rising prices of gas and number of barrels (billions) we consume every year.

All this research into alternative fuel/energy, when gas runs out, will it be enough to cover the amount of gas what we once used? or maybe we're gonna go to outer space looking for some deposits of gases or w/e somewhere in Mars or some planet...





  2. There are lots of ways to power things without fossil fuels, and they will become more prevalent as oil prices get higher.  They include wind power, solar power, Steam from naturally occurring sources, and bio-fuels.  Nuclear power is another option that is probably going to get more attention.  As far as transportation is concerned, hybrids will become more popular, fuel cells that are basically big batteries are in development and someday are going to be in use, CNG ( compressed natural gas) and even solar solar cars ( there are experimental ones already) should be around.  The problem is getting the research and development done on these.  As fossil fuels get scarcer, it will finally become MORE financially attractive to invest the money.  Of course, the government could always help.  When Bush leaves office maybe that will happen.

  3. When we run out of fuel we'll have no alternative but to use renewable sources of energy i.e. solar energy ,wind. HEP, etc.Today only 18% of our energy consumption comes from renewables.

    Total solar capacity is 89,000TW and wind capacity is 370 TW however our global electricity consumption is just 15Tw.

    Hence it is better that we soon switch to renewables?

  4. Well first of all we will not "run out" of gas.  What will happen, and is happening, is that demand is rising much higher than supply.  In addition "easy" oil has pretty much been tapped from the ground,  so now pumping most oil fields requires more effort, and money.. all this means higher and higher prices.  

    What will likely happen is that this supply/demand relation will keep pushing up the price of oil and once it hits somewhere around maybe 50 bucks a gallon, will be impractical for use for anything except emergency military use.

  5. we're screwed.

  6. We will never run out of oil & gas. Mother nature has plants programed so they recycle for us. The plants take in CO2 and give us O2 ,but the plant keeps the C  .The leaves fall off and wash down the river to the delta where it deteriates into the Fossil fuels.That is how come we have so much fossel fuels. Nature has done it for millions of years.

  7. We won't run out. They'll just get so ridiculously expensive we will have no choice but to switch to renewable fuels that will never run out.

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