
What happens when you become an official member of a church?

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I started going to a church in December and I was baptized there and regularly attend, and I participate in one of their ministries. In a couple months I might be going through the process of becoming a member. What does being a member of a church entail? Do you have to agree with all of the church's doctrine to become a member (I'm not sure if I do)? What is the process of becoming a member like? How is being a member different than regularly attending?




  1. In order to determine how one is supposed to become a member of a church we should look at the book of Acts which is a history book on the actions and practices of the New Testament church.  In Acts 2, verse 39 Peter is finishing up a sermon he has been preaching to the Jews who had gathered as the apostles spoke.  He concluded by telling them that they had crucified the Son of God.  When the crowd heard this they cried out wanting to know what they must do to get rid of the guilt of murdering Jesus.

    Peter told them in verse 38 that they should repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins.  The writer of Acts tells us that on that day 3000 were baptized in order to save themselves from the guilt of sin.  At the end of chapter 2 we read that God was the one who added to the church those who were being saved (baptized)

    So the Bible way is that when one believes and repents of their sins and confesses to others that they believe in Jesus and they are baptized in water for the remission of sins, they are added to the church.   Training and education is a very good thing but they are not considered a requirement to become a part of the New Testament church.

    It is obvious that the church you attend does not go by the Bible examples.  They have set up their own man-made criteria for church membership.  I would suggest you find one that does go strictly by the Bible.  You know you will please God if you follow the instruction manual He left us.

    God Bless


  2. You're officially declared brain dead

  3. you waste more time on things that have no importance. Enjoy religion as is sucks the life out of you!

  4. They get a little richer.

  5. You tithe (maybe?), vote on things regarding the church and attend services whenever you can. Being baptized just means you're serious about the faith.

  6. It starts with the removal of all critical thought.

  7. In my church if you are baptized and make a confession of faith, you become a member.  Some churches lately have gone to requiring more for membership.  It usually means attending a some sessions about that church's beliefs, and Bible study.  Church's generally choose leadership positions from amongst their membership, such as board and elders etc...

  8. You get your permanent electrodes installed.

  9. That is different for every denomination. Because you church is non-denominational, there is really no way any of us can tell you what to expect.

  10. Good question!

    Basically, the purpose of becoming a member is supposed to mean that you understand and believe the doctrine that that church believes.

    The church should be careful to outline what they believe and why and then you decide whether you believe the same.  We had several weeks of classes (on Sunday afternoon) and we could only miss two of the 10 classes.  It is important to be a part of a group/church that you has the same beliefs as you do.

    But, that's in a perfect world.  Many churches don't have the proper education process in place and therefore are not properly making sure that all members believe what the church believes.  

    It shouldn't require much of you other than to confess publicly your belief (Christianity) and perhaps ask that you become involved in the church on some level.

    All this said, every chuch is going to be different.  Just ask the pastor or someone in the church office.

    Once you become a member, you will attend church the same way...not much will be different.

    I would highly suggest that you make sure you believe in ALL the doctrine of the church before you join.  Why would you want to join if you don't believe what they believe?

    Don't listen to people that are not  or have not been members of churches.  They can't accuratly answer your question having not experienced it.  You are joining, because you should have the same beliefs.  I might tell someone not to be an atheist, but I would never tell an atheist not to join a group of other atheists if s/he wants.

    So don't listen to people that tell you not to join a church.  Just make sure your thinking is in line with what they believe.  If not, consider not joining, just attend church there.

    You are exactly right about!!!!  Way to go.  You are smart, you'll be fine.  In the Bible, it actually says, 'Work out your faith with fear and trembling.'  You will always have questions that can't be answered.  We are not omnishent.

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