
What happens when you blend pain with pleasure ?

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  1. You start going to "Special" Clubs and buying things made from leather and going to Southwest Leather Fest every year... Oh, wait... That's just me...

    http://en.wikipedia *DOT* org/wiki/ BDSM (Take the spaces and *DOT* out before pasting the whole thing! Yahoo! aparently doesn't want me to post the whole link... A$$holes!)


    BDSM is a complex acronym derived from the terms bondage and discipline (B&D), dominance and submission (D&S, D/S, or Ds), sadism and masochism (S&M or SM).[1] BDSM refers to a wide spectrum of activities and forms of interpersonal relationships. While not always overtly sexual in nature, the activities and relationships within a BDSM context are almost always eroticized by the participants in some fashion. Many of these practices fall outside of commonly held social norms regarding sexuality and human relationships.

    Many activities can be found under the umbrella of BDSM, which include - but are not limited to - forms of dominance, submission, discipline, punishment, bondage, sexual roleplaying, sexual fetishism, sadomasochism, and power exchange, as well as the full spectrum of mainstream personal and sexual interactions.

    BDSM is not a form of sexual abuse - although some BDSM activities may appear to be violent or coercive, such activities are conducted with the consent of all partners involved. BDSM relationships and practices are exercised under the philosophy of "Safe, sane and consensual" (SSC), or the somewhat more permissive philosophy of "Risk-aware consensual kink" (RACK).[2]

    Activities and relationships within a BDSM context are characterized by the fact that the participants usually take on complementary, but unequal, roles. Typically, participants who are active – applying the activity or exercising control over others – are known as Tops or Dominants. Those participants which are recipients of the activities, or who are controlled by their partners, are typically known as Bottoms or Submissives. Individuals which move between top/dominant roles and bottom/submissive roles – either periodically within a relationship, or from relationship to relationship – are known as switches.[3]

    BDSM is often practiced within the context of a limited and defined encounter know as a BDSM scene. Such scenes often have ritualistic aspects, complete with modes of behavior, forms of address, codes of conduct, dress codes, and many other aspects of theater and role playing. As such encounters are often – but not always – at least partly sexual in nature, people outside of BDSM have a tendency to view it as a form of "kinky s*x".

    Some participants incorporate aspects of BDSM into their everyday relationship(s) with their partner(s), especially those who practice dominance and submission or power exchange (especially Total Power Exchange). For these individuals, BDSM is part of their lifestyle and in some discussions is referred to as "The Lifestyle" or "The Scene".

  2. ...a m*******t you be and a s****t with a smile i be...

  3. You become a m*******t.

  4. Pain is nothing more than pleasure centers violently stimulated.

  5. Sympathy

  6. For me, pain negates pleasure.

    For some, pain is pleasure.

  7.   Ot hurts sooo good ... you become a m*******t.

  8. pain and pleasure are two faces of the same coin.

  9. It depends how bad the pain is and how good the pleasure is.

    From Wikipedia:

    "Some philosophers, such as Jeremy Bentham, Baruch Spinoza, and Descartes, have hypothesized that the sensations of pain and pleasure are part of a continuum.

    There is strong evidence for biological connections between the neurochemical pathways used for the perception of pain and those involved in the perception of pleasure and other psychological rewards.

    These probably involve dopamine and endorphin pathways."

  10. A heady cocktail and a bad rest,  no peace!

  11. You get more pleasure as then the pain vanishes or conquered.

  12. scars

  13. You get "plain" or "paisure"

    And if you get enough of a blending going on, you begin to respond to questions in ways that can cause others reading your answers, great paisure.  

  14. We will be able to attain this balance by a process of minor adjustments to activities we are already doing in our life.  

  15. It becomes bittersweet.

  16. It will be the sweetest pain ever and be felt as fierce overwhelming loving romantic joy! Feeling without inhibitions all sense of ecstasy around the flesh in your body..The wordliest being awakened innerly that comes eager, gushing out through sensationally from the guts that shake the nerves from the body. Then fill those wildest desires that all you can have in a brief passionate moment of fire. It may feel crazy and lost in other form of dimensional love.

    'Til the beast in you is released..

    I think that will be that profound challenge..

  17. It is called an o****m for woman.  Men usually don't have that happen, unless they're on morphene after falling off a building.

    And Sophist, you have it backwards.  Pleasure is just enjoyable pain.  Like when you get tickled.  Or a hot shower.

  18. wild s*x happens

  19. When you blend pain with pleasure, you get confuse (*-*)

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