
What happens when you call the CHP re: an erratic freeway driver?

by Guest45344  |  earlier

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Was on the freeway in OC earlier this week and saw someone driving extremely dangerously--weaving across several lanes at a time, cutting people off, going so fast his car was leaning. Got the make/model and plate #. When i got to work a few mins later, i called it in to the CHP.

Anyone know what happens next? I assume they inform their patrolling CHP units in the area, but what if they can't find the person? Do they just let it go, or do they contact the 'offender' later?




  1. they come and arrest you for being a rat toward your fellow citizens..........

  2. The offender will more than likely receive a note from the CHP advising him/her that were not driving safely and that it will cost some money to resolve the situation.

    You did great . Next time, note the street or highway, direction of travel and time of day in addition to the info you took note of.

    By the way, the CHP will take this type of call on the 911 system.

    Well done.

  3. I would depends on how much the CHP cares about erratic drivers.

    If you gave them a plate can only hope that they contacted that far as you being able to hear about it later?....who knows.

    You will probably never get to find out what happened..if that driver....unless you went to the CHP and asked them.

    I'm sure with the amount of traffic on CA highways...they have to respond to all kinds of wild c** an erratic driver just isn't a priority to them...unless they happened to see it.

    Just know for yourself tried to do something about it...but...I wouldn't hold my breath about seeing that individual getting in any trouble.......but...ya never know.

    drive safe!!

  4. They do nothing cause they can't prove anything.

    What are they gonna do send him a ticket cause cutie says so. Yeah they may watch for him if someones in that area. Thats about it.

      Now go wipe that brown smudge off your nose

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