
What happens when you can't stomach work anymore?

by  |  earlier

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I have a good job - one that pays well and has a lot of benefits - unfortunately however it makes me want to vomit, sick of the role, sick of the politics, and I have trouble taking it seriously. I told a friend who has lined up a job interview for another company doing something different that is also a great job, but I couldn't be bothered even preparing for the interview... If it wasn't for the mortgage and kids schooling etc... I would take a lot of time off and re-evaluate it all.




  1. You are going to have that kind of stuff going on no matter where you work! So pull away from anything you don't like and go else where to take your breaks. When they start chatting about something that you don't like tell you don't want or need to hear about this if you are still having a problem try to ignore them use ear phones and listen to music, if that is not allowed then talk to your manager. The only other thing would be for you to do is start your own business but start it and have it running before you quit your current job; remember you still have that mortgage and children and schooling, another thing what would you tell your kids if they said this to you. You sound like someone who thinks things through and not just jumping ship. Do you have vacation time take it even if you just stay home or take day trips to a relaxing place?

  2. Take a holiday- you need to enjoy your job otherwise it could lead to health problems ie depression etc. or motivate your self in the morning before or after work and do somthing that you love that relaxes you so that you have something to look forward to at the end of the day.

  3. Take some time off and re-evaluate your life.  But before you quit make a plan.  If your job is good then chances are you've got some savings.  Some people might disagree with me, but I believe this is one of the situations we save money for.  For exactly this cross roads you are at in your life.  Maybe you are ready for a whole different career, or a new job in the same field might suffice.  You might be ready for some other type of change.  Whatever it is, you'll feel better about taking the time off (and it will be more productive for you) if you know exactly how much time you've got (how many months of mortgage payments can you make without being employed, for instance).  And part two would be to draw up an actual plan for how you will spend your precious time.  Will you go on a retreat?  Travel?  Spend time with family?  Maybe schedule time with a career counselor at your local university.

    One other thing, if there is a spouse in the picture, I would definitely discuss it with them.  I hope they are supportive.  Good luck.

  4. Time for a change. I couldnt go back to a job if the need to "vomit" were involved. Get busy and make those interviews okay? I commend you for owning up to your obligations at home, but you have to at least like what you are doing for 8 plus hours a day on the job. Check into a career change maybe. Good luck.

  5. Retire ;D

  6. it all depends...stay or quit. you have to take a look at what you want and what you need. you WANT to have a better job, something you like...but you NEED to pay your bills. thats why its truly a blessing when you get into a field or a job that you enjoy. the best of luck to u!

  7. often times when a job makes you do the things you say, it is alot worse that you make it out to be... you should really be careful as to what is keeping you there and why... if you take what you like about the job and use that as a criteria to finding another one, you should have no problem finding something that you actually do enjoy.  

  8. Look around for another job.. there are many websites for this.. just keep your current job until something better comes along, and you could always take online classes to get a degree in something you will actually enjoy doing without giving up anything.. Good luck

  9. Look for another job ... while holding on to this one ... Time to move on you're burned out.

  10. Learn how to release and the "Sick of the role, sick of the politics, and have trouble taking it seriously" will roll off of you like water off a duck's back

  11. Unfortunately, unless you are Paris Hilton, we all must work for a living.  And I was in the exact same situation with my previous job - great benefits, challenging, exciting and STRESSFUL.  After having wrist replacement (and after 10 years at this company), I was terminated.  I was so upset, I considered filing charges with the EEOC then, I realized, it felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders.  I realized that I wasn't sure I wanted the job back if it was offered.  But, like you, I have responsibilities and I found another position, less pay, less benefits but no stress.  Once you find that other position, your view on working will change.  I would still love to be financially independent however, until we hit the lottery, look for something else and consider yourself lucky to even have a job in the current economy.

  12. Take a look at this website... It's an incredible opportunity that might help. Best of luck.

  13. you take a long hard look at your life(circumstances)and find the most unappealing part,and deal with it(sort it out to your satisfaction)then 1x1 you eliminate or reinvent those aspects untill you are comfortable

  14. Well, gossip, politics, all that c**p is everywhere.   Maybe you need to get a job where you work alone most of the time.   I myself am looking into it.  I have a job that has great is ok (I work for Dept of I am loaded with vacations!).  The job I was looking into has poor benefits   but the pay is excellent.  I dont know which one to choose....

    However, in your situation, I can see why you are stuck in a hole, bills sometimes dont allow for you to make that move.  Many things can go wrong.  If you are unhappy, I suggest speaking to your wife and your kids.   Cut back on some of the luxuries you guys have for awhile...just to make sure you can save some money until you find another job.   Im not saying to quit the one you got now, but sometimes transitioning into another company might not be so easy.  Training sometimes is involved and the income might not be as expected.   Time for changes, with your family's support you can do it.    

  15. I'm in the same situation, my job will not flex with me at all about my school im currently working full-time and school full time for almost 7 months and im starting to burn out... Sometimes i feel that if i died i wouldn't care because i dont have to be here..  Stupid bills...  

  16. Hate Your Job?

    You will have to change you focus.

    This may help

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