
What happens when you cant afford an attorney?

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We have to go back to court on Friday for a contiuning civil suit but no longer have the financial ability to pay for an attorney.

We looked for volunteer representation but we live in a small town. We're also older and are on limited means. What can we do???




  1. Depending which country you live in if you cant afford an attorney the court will appoint a public attorney for you.

    If your country has a legal aid system phone them and they will help you out. (in most western countries)

    If you are in a country that does not have those avenues you are on your own unfortunately and will have to represent yourself.

  2. They'll provide one for you at tax payer's expense.

  3. For a civil suit, you'll have to pay for one, or get one pro bono (free of charge).

    Below is a list from the ABA on pro bono lawyers around the country.

  4. Try calling a college with a law program. They often take cases pro bono.

    Edit: no, the court won't assign you one for non-criminal cases.

  5. You MUST be provided an attorney by the state if you can not afford you're own if you are charged with a criminal offence.

  6. Represent yourself and hope for the best. Explain to the judge that you cannot afford an attorney. The courts may have means of helping you locate legal aid in your area.

  7. Call a 1- 800 number for referral and they will get back to you the same day. Try legal aide from your court where ever you live. Also the yellow pages has alot of lawyers. Good luck

  8. the court can assign one to you  

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