
What happens when you eat too much spicy food?

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my mom eats jalenpinos EVERYSINGLE day. if there is none in the fridge she will grb the next spicy thing.

hot sauce and hot chili peppers.

what happens if she eats too much spicy food?

does it hurt her internal organs or something?




  1. Funny thing about capsaisn, the heat in peppers, after a while you become immune to the pain it causes.

  2. It wont hurt you're internal organs at all, but sometimes it burns you're bum on the way out LOL! No harm though!

  3. no, it's actually good. it speeds up y our metabolism, so you can lose weight easier.

  4. she really shouldn't have any problems...  In fact, peppers are very high in vitamin C.

  5. no it won hurt her unless she has an ulcer or something like that. it definately hurts the nxt day.

  6. No but it hurts the next day, if you know what I mean.

  7. Moctezuma's revenge!

  8. If shes been eatin spicy food all her life..then her body is probably used to it and wont affect her much...but usually eating way too much spicy stuff can cause intestinal and stomach disorders that can turn out to be quite ugly....!...Its all about balance....get her to drink lots of milk or shud help relax the stomach...

  9. I think it largely depends on what type of chilli peppers, how frequently & how much consumed and perhaps whether it's cooked or not (some differences in the chemical reactions). There are people who eat a big bowl of fresh raw chillies while watching TV as if eating popcorn!

    It also varies with individuals as some have stomach problems while others feel fine. In my younger days I ate lots of various spicy foods, a meal was incomplete without some form of spiciness. Years later I end up having Irritated Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which too much spicy food may have contributed to a weakened stomach lining. A possible problem could be stomach ulcers and theoretically it may even make it easier to develop a tumour there.

    One thing I did observe was that despite being a very hearty eater I was really skinny years ago. Coincidentally the pounds began to creep up when I started to lay off the hot stuff. These days I've also noticed weight loss supplements that have capsaicin added. But everything should be eaten in moderation, no point risking any potential health problems just to tingle your tongue.

  10. Sooooo, I think your mom knows what she's doing.

    Hot peppers won't hurt anybody.  If her internal organs

    were hurting her, you would

    hear about it.

  11. She has built up her tolerance to it, it should be fine.

    For someone who is not used to the spice, it can kill their taste buds (literally - but they do grow back in a few days), cause acid reflux, and stomach upset.  I have not heard of anything life-threatening, unless it's an allergic reaction... which your mom is obviously not having.  Happy eating!

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