
What happens when you fall asleep with ur contacts in?

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What happens when you fall asleep with ur contacts in?




  1. I did this when I wore contacts some years ago. I woke up in the morning and my eyes felt a little dry, but nothing to worry about. At the time of opening my eyes, I thought a miracle had happened and my eye-sight had corrected itself. Sadly this was not the case, but it was great until the realisation set in.

  2. not much. your contacts dry out and get sticky in you eye. They dont work very well for a bit but then they clear up. If you sleep with your contacts regularly this can be dangerous because your eyes become deprived of oxygen and blood vessils grow over your optic nerve and you go blind.

  3. YOU DIE

    no just joking.

    it hurts alot, and then hyou need to find it, which sucks and makes yu want to die cause it causes so much pain.

  4. They get a little bit dry, and then it causes it to stick to your eye.  It can also go into the back of your eye and get stuck back there, it's not a good situation to be in.  However, there are certain contacts that you can wear for two or so weeks straight and not take them out.

  5. It depends on what type of contacts you wear.

    Some contacts [like I wear] are okay to sleep in. You just need to ask your doctor what kind he prescribed for you.

    Although, there are some contacts that you should NOT sleep in because they aren't very breathable.

    But, most eye doctors will tell you that you should take them out every night just to be safe. At night, is when an infection can grow.

    But, if you just fell asleep in them a couple of times, I wouldn't really worry about it- Things happen..Just make sure to take them out and clean them. Or if you have time, let your eyes rest by wearing your glasses...

    Good Luck!!

  6. sometimes they roll to the back of your eye.

    its not hazardous i guess but it is a pain in the butt to get them out when you wake up.

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