
What happens when you get a college degree and theres a "job slump" at the time you graduate?

by  |  earlier

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and things are only gonna look worse, i think you should get whatever job you can get and say h**l with the hocus pocus out there cause there ain't no magic gonna help you out, i tried the "career" job route and it got me to about 10000 interviews in nyc and philly and couldn't even get a job that even pays half of what i make now




  1. Move back in with the parents. That's what a lot of people do.

  2. I say, take a job that'll pay the bills.  Then start looking for a job that you'll enjoy.

    What's your degree in?

  3. I agree with the job slump but in certain career areas.  For now, of course get a job that will keep you a-float, and market yourself/Network with the career you long to do.  Maybe a company is willing to let you do voluntary work to get your foot in the door.  Research companies, show interest.  Post resumes on Career Builder and Monster...even though a company does not post an opening doesn't mean their not looking.  Also look into some temporary companies who screen applicants for the larger companies which at most times hire you for long term.

    Also, look into  I believe they have some listings in there too for the graduates.

    Good Luck!

  4. If you have a degree and you declair a job market slump -- need to get out of bed and actually pound payement to get hired...  There is no slump..

  5. You take a job to pay the bills but keep looking in the field that you really want. You never know,  you just might find a new direction for your life.

  6. Lower your expectations and look for something that will earn you a living and keep you independent. Chances are, if you majored in a social science, your expectations regarding employability are too high regardless of the job market.  Sorry if this bums you out, but it is the unfortunate reality. Fight back - and don't let it get you down.  

    And no, this isn't a slump.  It's a full-blown recession brought on by a horribly mismanaged budget, rampant misdirected spending, and an ensuing energy crisis.  So, now is the time to think about taking what you can get and working your *** off to help keep America a great place to be and to feed yourself in the mean-time.

  7. perhaps smaller towns will have bigger pay since your degree will be more of a rarity

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