
What happens when you get over amnesia?

by  |  earlier

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So I was just wondering, but say you were to get amnesia, is it possible to get your memory after a nights sleep? and would you know you had amnesia? i saw it on a couple t.v. shows where they would wake up and have their memory back but wouldn't know they had amnesia...i never knew if it was the truth, so hopefully someone can tell me as i was curious. thanks.




  1. I would think getting over amnesia is, by definition, getting your memory back. When this would happen is not predictable as the cause(s) of amnesia are not really known. I have amnesia about a month or so of hospitalization after a blow to the head that resulted in a concussion and this was over 10 years ago but no memory of the period has emerged, I only knew of the period because others told me about it.

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