
What happens when you get water in your intake of car, lights still work?

by  |  earlier

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there was some flooding, drove through, car turned off about 200 feet down the road. My power still works, please help.




  1. Hopefully you did not try to restart the engine after it stalled?

    Worst case scenario...water made its way into the cylinders ( liquids, unlike gas, does not compress ) and ended up bending either one or more piston rods or valves or even both.  If this is the case, you may be in for one large repair bill as the engine is likely toast.

    If you have not tried to restart the engine, you can pull the plugs out of the head and crank over the engine to squirt the water out.  If this is the case, the engine may still be fine.

    The power still works because it's running off of the battery.

  2. When an engine flooded, it doesn't mean that the electrics will stop working (although this may also happen in those sort of conditions).

    It means that the air intake has water in it or is blocked by water. Air is vital for the engine as the petrol cannot burn without it.

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