I've never had periods that followed a cycle (except when I was on birth control). Back in 2002 I had a 6 week (very light) period. I went to the gynecologist and she found everything was normal, except i had high levels of prolactin in my blood. She prescribed Yasmin 28 (birth control) to help regulate my periods. She said it wasn't a big deal except that if I ever wanted to have children I might have to take a drug to stimulate ovulation. At the time, children were not on my mind so I didn't worry about it. Now that my husband and I are TTC. I finished my last pack of BC mid May and had a 31 day cycle before my period showed up in mid June. That was my last period 48 days ago. I was also watching my CM and it hasn't ever be EW consistency. So, I made an appointment with the gynecologist for the end of August to get everything checked out. My question is for anyone who actually works in the medical field or has had fertility issues due to hyperprolactin. What do you think will happen next? If you did not ovulate on your own, how did the doctor find this out? What did you have to do before you were able to begin fertility treatments? What was the process of your fertility treatments? I am hoping that my doctor will see my hormone levels and prescribe clomid or something fairly soon, but I am worried she'll make me chart for a few months first. I am worried about not being taken seriously at the doctor's office and being dismissed as an overacting female. If there is anyone who was in a similar situation, I'd love to hear from you. Please be kind in your responses. thanks!