
What happens when you have a case on a person??

by Guest45042  |  earlier

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as in you talked to an officer about a situation, gave a name but not many details, and recieved a case number? is it just left in the system? acted upon??does it ever go away? if so how soon??

i didnt give address or phone number just birthdate and the name is a nickname not legal name......




  1. It's forgotten about..

  2. The officer writing the report may act on it if he can and has the time and it looks like a real case. If not the report goes to the proper investigative unit for the type of crime. They investigate the best they can, again first they try to determine if there was a crime, then they see if they can find a victim and then they try to track a offender. Depending on the severity and the local police manpower something could happen or nothing will happen. The report remains on file.

  3. you gotto watch your back, and sleep with one eye open

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