
What happens when you have to f**t during kata?

by  |  earlier

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Lol, I've seen it happen and if it happens to me I just act like I have a pulled muscle and can't move. Lol, but seriousely what are you supposed to do!? Your'e not supposed to stop or do anything other than kata during kata!




  1. Don't drink carbonated beverages before class. It also may be a good idea to eat a snack before class to calm down your stomach - I.E. Yogurt if you're not lactoseintolerant, or a popsicle if you are. Something to help you settle a little bit without weighing you down and making you sick during class.

    Alternatively if you absolutely have to during class, ask the instructor to use the restroom... I mean for goodness sake if I were instructing a class and one of my students told me they needed to use the restroom, I wouldn't hold it against them.

  2. Let 'er rip....Blow that gasious funk and blame it on the person beside you!

  3. Farting can be thought of as a defense mechanism. Be proud you have it not everyone does.

  4. Just say its you 'noxious gas' offense that is driving away the rest of your imaginary opponents.

  5. Take some Beano before class

  6. You have two options: Hold it in.  Or... Push it out.

  7. What, are we 12 now?  Let it go and move on.  You can do some things to lower the risk, but you can never fully prevent gas build up.  So, if you can't stop yourself from letting go, don't bring attention to it, say excuse me and keep going.

  8. I agree with Judomofo - but I hope there is no after affect.

  9. Let it go during a kiai.

    Always works for me... lol.

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