
What happens when you let a unlicensed driver drive.?

by  |  earlier

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im am a minor and i let my friend drive my car and i was in the car and we got stopped by the police. now i have to go to court . what will most likely happen to me and i am on a special probation program that saying that i can not get in any trouble with the law




  1. Letting an unlicensed driver drive is worse than putting a knife in the hands of a murderer

    Cars, if not driven properly, can kill; both their occupants and other (innocent) road users.

    In my opinion, those who drive unlicensed, AND those who let them do it, should be sent to prision and disqualified from holding a driver's license.

    Since you are already on a special probation program, you should kiss goodbye to your forthcoming freedom.

  2. The judge will tell you to stay out of trouble for a year.

  3. WEll... basically you f***ed up!

    You can get a fine, have your liscence revoked.

    Any acident you get in the insurance company wouldnt pay anything for

    The guy you let drive is liable too, he can get a fine and not be allowed to get a liscence for X amount of time.

    Your car could get siezed.

    All depends on where you live, these are just general rules.

  4. You run the risk of a accident that the insurance company won't cover. Plus you are then liable for all the damages.

    Not a good thing. Be smart and refuse the friend the privilege to drive your car

  5. you might lose your driving privileges and probation and what are your parents saying this is why we have rules and there are consequences to this when you don't follow the rules and this the end of the lecture

  6. looks like you are  s c r e w e d bigtime

  7. It is very simple. your license will be suspended and you will be fined as well.

  8. Well, since you were already on probation, you can look forward to two things. First, you'll probably be fined for allowing an unlicensed driver to operate the car.

    Second, you'll be taken back to juvenile court and will have to explain to the judge why you didn't do what he told you to do - that is, stay out of trouble. If the judge isn't satisfied with your explanation, he may decide to punish you.

  9. You have violated the conditions fo your special probation program.   The judge can set that aside and have you serve your time.

    You can get to pay a fine for allowing an unlicensed minor to drive your car.

    You can see you insurance rates skyrocket.

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